Introduction to 12-Lead
ECG Quizzes
Practice ECGs
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ECG Quizzes

1: Third-degree AV block is characterized by:
AV dissociation
More P waves than QRS complexes
Variable PR intervals
Junctional or ventricular escape rhythms
All of the above.
2: A patient in third-degree AV block could be hemodynamically stable. Those patients should still be considered candidates for emergency pacing because they could become hemodynamically compromised at any moment.
3: If the number of atrial and ventricular complexes is equal, we refer to the rhythm as AV dissociation instead of third-degree AV block.
4: The criteria for low voltage on an ECG include:
QRS complexes in the limb leads less than or equal to 5 mm
QRS complexes in the limb leads less than or equal to 10 mm
QRS complexes in the precordial leads less than or equal to 10 mm
QRS complexes in the precordial leads less than or equal to 5 mm
Both A and C are correct.
5: Low voltage is a result of something dampening the electrical signals produced by the heart. You should always suspect a pericardial effusion until proven otherwise.
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