Arrhythmia Recognition: The Art of Interpretation
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Practice Rhythm Strips

Practice Rhythm Strip 9
Rate:About 80 BPMPR intervals:None
Regularity:RegularQRS width:Wide
P waves:NoneGrouping:None
   Morphology:NoneDropped Beats:Absent
   Axis:NoneRhythm:Accelerated idioventricular
P:QRS ratio:None

No, those are not P waves. They are ventricular complexes that have a very, very small amplitude. The cause of the low amplitude is beyond the scope of this book. A full 12-lead ECG did, however, verify the ventricular origin of these complexes. The rate of 80 BPM, the wide QRS complexes, and the regularity of the rhythm make this a clear example of an accelerated idioventricular rhythm.

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